No, I’m not talking about the DAY() function that you’d find if you Googled anything related to “SQL Server” and “day.”
I’m talking about an actual SQL Server Day, to be celebrated annually by SQL Server experts, enthusiasts, and beginners alike. A day that we all pay homage to this wonderful database platform–a platform that has given many of us opportunities for career growth and intellectual advancement, and that is responsible for so many great relationships we’ve developed with one another (there’s a reason the #SQLFamily tag is a thing!). So I ask, why not a SQL Server Day?
And, if the underwear companies can have National Underwear Day (August 5), I don’t see why we can’t have one. We wear underwear AND fix database issues!
What goes into establishing a “day?” Well, first, I don’t think there’s a formal process to register a specific day. Second, there are sites like National Day Calendar where you can complete a form to request that a day be created. However, in this particular site’s case, they get over 18,000 submissions a year and only select around 30 to be added to the calendar. So let’s put the actual submission process aside for a second and talk about the who?, what?, where?, when?, why?, and how? of International SQL Server Day.
Who: This day would be for the entire SQL Server community.
What: This could be a day that we all share something we’ve learned, loved, and/or appreciated about SQL Server on Twitter under the #IntlSQLDay tag. This could be a link to a blog or website, a quick anecdote, or even a mention of a person or people who have had a positive impact on you and your involvement with SQL Server.
Where: Twitter.
When: This is a great question. The best I’ve come up with is SQL Server’s earliest date (1/1/1753) + SQL Server’s default TCP port (1433) in days:
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1433, '1/1/1753'); -- 12/04
Coincidentally, December 4 (1843) is the day that manila paper–made from sails, canvas and rope–was patented. We’ve come a long way from pen and paper.
Why: In a world where nearly all social media outlets are littered with fake news, negativity, etc, I think we could all use some positivity in our feeds, and I think our community would appreciate hearing from one another about one another.
How: Well, this brings us back to what goes into making this a recognized day. I surmise that we’d just need to add a note to our calendars for that date and share something nice when it comes around.
What do the members of my #SQLFamily think? I’m really interested in your feedback.